April 22, 2007

Single Digits? What is the letter M?

I must say, I do feel a lot better than I did almost a month ago. I was reading my last post and though "Oh geez, everyone must think I'm a depressed EMO right now".
I do feel better now than I did when I wrote that. Although I am still having a hard time with food.

I havn't been able to see Dr. Bernard, due to insurance issues :( but I hope to see her soon, I need a kick in the butt to get back on track. But I know I'm doing wrong, so why do I continue? I ate french fries the other day! Didn't finish them but I ate them! WHAT THE HELL KYLIE!
Does one think that being 7 months post-op you should still be eating a shot glass worth of food?
We are able to eat more now right? Because I do feel I can eat a lot more now than I could when I first started solids. I sure hope I haven't streached my pouch. No no I know I havn't, I have done nothing to do so.

Okay off to the good stuff, I am in a size 8 pants!!!!!! 8! OMG 8! Not all brands of pants, damn woman sizes are so different! But so far I know I am a New York and Company size 8, American Eagle size 10-12, Meryvans sizes 8 or 10... Shirts are M-L. I do still buy some XL for the little baggyness on some shirts. but other than that a MEDIUM!! YAY! I'm Normal!!! BMI wise I'm still "overweight" but not OBESE!!. I hate that word.

Pool is open and I have been swimming, good exercise and fun! I am in there for hours and wonder why the next day I can barely move. Oh yea I guess that swimming thing was exercise! hehe! I finally changed my picture, the other one was a wittle bit old.

Alright well I'm off to go find something to do. I will try to write more than juss once a month!!

Thank you for everyone that reads my blog. It really means a lot to me to find out that people have been following my progress since the beginning.

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